This place is known to be the most remote place on Earth. With average temperatures around -50degree C it is also not the first place you would think of when going for stargazing. Nevertheless, it has a few advantages for astronomers and for you, if you like to observe your target from there. First, for half the year, there is continuous night at the South Pole. Second, there are spaces, so-called domes, that are practically cloud free. Third, it is one of the driest places on Earth. Almost any wavelength range can be observed from here, except of them that are only accessible from space. Any observatory in this place is the closest thing, you can get on Earth, to an actual space telescope. Robotic telescopes like ASTEP (see picture) observing the sky from here.

Aren't there penguins in Antartica, I'm in!
Hmmm...let me see the other options