Space Observations

Pros and cons of observing from space.

  • Pros
    • The main advantage of a telescope in space is that, outside the Earth’s atmosphere, it is possible to observe any wavelength we like. The telescope is also unaffected by the weather on Earth.
    • There is also no limit on observing due to daylight or the brightness of the moon. This means that we can observe almost all the time. More observations = more/ better science!
  • Cons
    • If you’re going to send a telescope to space the first requirement is that it fits inside the rocket. Larger telescopes allow fainter objects to be observed and can produce more detailed images
    • Once the telescope is in space it may be difficult or impossible to repair it if anything goes wrong. In addition, it will probably not be possible to improve the telescope over time as new technology becomes available
    • Finally, sending anything to space is very expensive. There is the cost of the telescope itself which must be able to withstand harsh conditions (example temperatures etc.?) plus the cost of the launch. Depending on the rocket it can cost thousands to tens of thousands of dollars to launch one kg. Most telescopes weigh thousands of kg!

    • Someone get me off the planet ASAP!
      Hmmm...let me see the other options